Time to test your fate!

Welcome, brave adventurers, to a realm where destiny hangs in the balance. It’s time to put your fate to the test, to discover if luck truly favors the bold. Prepare yourself for the thrilling event known as Fate’s Gambit!

And within it:

  • Complete quests to earn lottery tickets
  • Claim rewards and receive Fate Tickets* and higher lottery tickets for better prizes
  • Battle in dungeons and gather Fate Tokens to earn even more rewards!

*Fate Tickets Disctribution:

    • Wheel 1:
      • Chance for Fate Tickets 1-3
    • Wheel 2:
      • Chance for Fate Tickets 4-6
    • Wheel 3:
      • Chance for Fate Tickets 7-9

Your fate awaits!