Lose yourself in the Labyrinth – but beware of the monster that lurks there…

The Minotaur has been wandering the dark, narrow passages of the maze forever. Growing ever hungrier and impatient, they dream of something to alleviate the boredom – and taste for flesh. The only other sentient being within this realm, the Weavess, avoids them at all costs in attempts to save her life from the cunning creature. If you ask politely and offer something in return – she just might tell you where to find Minotaur and their minions and how to defeat them.

We are introducing the new game location, the Labyrinth. It will not only feature its own, brand-new mobs, but also eight brand-new, shiny items, including t6 weapons, scrolls, auras, skins AND runewords! They will not be easy to get – but the challenge will be well worth it, especially if you decide to grab the new runewords to create a build based on the new gear.


There will be a battlepass available, if you’re interested in maximizing the event perks and getting unique, otherwise unattainable skins and items. Along with the new spoils available, we hope it will make up for the re-balanced Bone Stick, which will be losing some of its power.

Let us know how do you enjoy the location, because we plan on keeping it in the game – longside the Cemetery – as a special boss location, accessible via a scroll. There will be options to win the scrolls in other events and/or lotteries, so if you don’t get the weapon for your build this time, there’s still chance!

You can reach us via👾 discord server! 👾– or suppor@funventure.eu with your thoughts on this!

PS. How many Greek mythology easter eggs you’ve caught on? 😉