The nightmares weren’t the only thing that Lord Rex brought with him…



The nightmares weren’t the only thing that Lord Rex brought with him…The gates were open for too long. Rex’s power has seeped into the earth, poisoning the bone and marrow of the deceased. Without will of their own, the corpses began stirring and now no-one is safe from the clammy touch of undead hands. What will you do, when you feel the smell of decay on your neck?


The event starts on the 21st of July and it will last for an entire month, as we had feedback that the previous events were too short for the players to be able to finish it successfully. It will feature a battlepass allowing you to maximize your gains from the participation – and there will be 85 prizes to be won in the duration of the Zombie Plague, so your grinding itch will definitely be scratched. We wanted to give everyone a chance to participate, so there are four quest chains, each containing four challenges:

  1. 🌱 Newjoiners – available to all players who have already re-built the Inn
  2. 🗡Early game – for all those who have reached the battle portion of the game (easy to kill mobs)
  3. 💯 Lategamers – a challenge for people who have been playing for a longer while (heavy-duty mobs)
  4. 🧟 Event chain – in the quest location











If you don’t want to spend gems – you should be able to finish all the quests without them, if you push yourself hard enough. The spoils you can get include:

  • 8 new skins
  • 2 new auras
  • 3 new runes and runewords
  • 1 new powerful weapon
  • new guild emblem

If you have any coins leftover from the previous occasions, you’ll have the chance to exchange them for the current ones in the store set up in the City (in the spot at the screenshot below) and amp up your guild’s appearance.












Speaking of which…

We’re really sorry!

We’re still working on the bug with displaying the guild symbols. We’ve been at it for a while now, but we can’t figure out where the problem spawns from – and we apologize for that. Rest assured we’re doing our best to resolve this, and all the emblems you have gotten so far are there and you haven’t lost them.

Hit us up and let us know what you think about this event – either at or in our 👾 discord server! 👾