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Consumables are items that are removed from a player's inventory upon direct use. They can be broken down into three separate categories, Potions, Scrolls, and Miscellaneous.


Item Name Description Location used
HPPotion.png HP Potion immediately restores 250 health used from inventory
LargeHPPotion.png Large HP Potion immediately restores 1000 health used from inventory.
PinkBoost.png Pink Enhance Boost Potion increases chance of pet enhance success by 10% Used at totem
GreenBoost.png Green Enhance Boost Potion increases chance of pet enhance success by 15% Used at totem


Item Name Description
ScrollPortal.png Scroll of Portal Opens a portal to the selected portal gate
UberScrollPortal.png Uber Scroll Portal Opens a portal to one of the three Uber Archangels
GreatCouncilPortal.png The Great Council Portal Opens a portal to the Lord of Dissection
EventLocationEasy.png Event Location Portal (Easy) Event scroll, opens a portal to Lord Rex (Easy)
EventLocationHard.png Event Location Portal (Hard) Event scroll, opens a portal to Lord Rex (Hard)


This category includes keys and stones. There are enhance stones for each mining pet type with the exception of Buffalo and Piggy.

Item Name Description Location used
TowerTrialKey.png Tower Trial Key Starts the Trial of your Strength Mystic Frozen Tower
Rat.png Enhance Stone (9 different animals) Used to boost the totem effects for that specific pet type Totem

Created by Drizzt