Guide To Energy Performance Certificate

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In England, the buildings there consume most of the energy, and they are also responsible for a significant percentage of carbon emissions. An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is meant for showing how a property's energy is being used and what are the costs incurred.

The certificate looks like the energy labels that we see on appliances, such as a refrigerator or an AC. It shows the rating from A to G, and the higher the rating, the better will be the energy consumption.

It also shows how energy usage can be lessened and thereby improve efficiency. The energy performance certificate for commercial property also serves the same purpose and highlights the energy usage.

Under the law, a landlord is required to display the Energy performance certificate to his tenants or prospective buyers. The certificate has a validity of ten years, and if a landlord does not possess one, he can be fined 200. For every new tenancy or sale, a new certificate is not required if the certificate is less than ten years old.

Buildings that have a roof and walls and consume energy to condition the inside climate are suitable for an energy performance certificate. Examples of the services which are utilized to condition the inside of a building are air-conditioning and heating.

These are some of the properties which do not require the certificate:

Properties, such as a rented room that is within a house or some listed buildings which cannot be made more energy-efficient, are exempted. But, at the same time, if it is a self-contained flat with a front door and facilities and is situated inside a larger house, it will require a certificate

Buildings that are used for religious purposes or worship

Buildings that are suitable for demolishing provided that certain conditions are met

Buildings that have special historical or architectural significance, which cannot be modified for energy efficiency since they will lose their appearance

Energy Performance Certificate for Commercial Property

A commercial property owner also needs to possess an EFC under the following conditions:

If he sells or rents out the property

If a building's construction is finished and parts of the building have been modified so that it can be occupied separately and changes are made in the ventilation or air-conditioning.

The certificate also has to be displayed in premises that are bigger than 500m2 and where it has been produced before, for sale, renting, or constructed out of the property.

Who Needs the Energy performance certificate?

A buyer or a person looking to rent a property should be handed over the Energy performance certificate by the landlord or seller free of cost.

A seller needs to get this certificate before he puts up his property for sale, or he may use the certificate he had received when he bought the property if its validity has not expired.

A seller of commercial property also needs a certificate if he is selling the property. Any advertisement regarding the property for sale should display the energy rating of the building.

Who is Qualified to issue you an Energy Performance Certificate?
The person issuing such a certificate needs to be an accredited domestic energy assessor. You can get such a person through an estate agent or letting agent, or you can search for accredited assessors in your area in the EPC register.

Energy Performance Certificate Cost
The energy performance certificate cost is dependent on factors, such as the type of property you are residing in or the number of bedrooms it has. There is no amount fixed as a fee for the certificate. The starting price of the certificate is around 35, but the cost would be higher for larger houses in a big city.

What is Displayed on the Energy Performance Certificate?
The certificate is similar to the stickers that are seen on the new appliances purchased by us. It contains:

The certificate display details, such as the unique certificate report reference number, which is obtained when it is lodged on the EPC register. It also contains the address of the property along with the date of issue of the certificate.

It bears the name and address of the assessor's employer. If he is self- employed, it should bear the trade name used by the assessor and also the name of the approved accreditation scheme in which he has a membership.

The certificate shows the energy efficiency rating obtained by the property. It will display the grade (A to G) given depending on how energy efficient the property is, and A signifies a good, energy-efficient building with excellent insulation, whereas G means the opposite.

If the building is very old with no energy-saving capacity built to it, the property would be graded a D. The minimum grade expected to be attained by landlords is E, and if they fail to meet the requirement, they could receive a penalty of 4000.

The certificate shows the estimated costs that are incurred for heating up and powering your home. It also provides the savings that you can gain if you make your home more energy-efficient. It mainly shows the amount being spent on lighting, heating, and heating water.

It does not include the energy spent on appliances, such as television, computers, etc. It will highlight the energy efficiency of the various places in your house and help you in knowing which areas of your home need to be more energy-efficient.

The certificate may also display which of the energy improvement measures would be financed under the Green Deal scheme.

The energy performance certificate will ensure that the buildings in England become more energy-efficient in the coming years and is a great step taken to control the carbon emissions and protect the environment.

Libby Watson is an experienced writer for home improvement, she has been working for London Property Certificates a Landlord Property Certificate provider in London.