Progression Guide

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This will be a Progression guide on how to get to the current end game. It will outlay some options in how you would like to progress (using market, no market, crafting everything, etc). It will also explain the why something works and doesn't.

Important note: Do not ever sell wood and iron as a beginner, you will need a lot at first. If you plan on also crafting your own gear, you will need gold and platinum.

You will also need some Insatiable Ore and Insatiable Cracked Stone to craft Rune Stone so if possible, do not sell those as well.

This guide was created before the Mitar update, some things may have changed!
  • LOD can no longer be rerolled. Loot is now locked between rerolls.

Demonic Pickaxe trick (optional)

  • Due to the release of mitar the demonic pickaxe trick is optional as you receive a much stronger pick once your clear the first level of mitar. it is fully possible to reach mitar within a few days without it.
  • The very first thing you will want to do when starting the game is getting the Demonic Pickaxe which has a mining power of 3500 (compared to the starter pickaxe that has a power of 1), this is by far, the strongest pickaxe in the game and can be gotten for free in 1-2 days. I highly recommend you do this as it will make your progress so much faster.
  • After a few quests, you will see a purple heart icon show up to ask you to review the game for 2 Demonic Pickaxe schemes. ***CAUTION*** Be absolutely sure that no one will come and talk to you after you hit the purple icon, as many have had the old man come and talk to them and disrupt the review, leaving them unable to get the 2 parts. One way to do this would be to not press the icon until you return in the Stone Mine, as you won't ever receive a quest from there.
  • Once you have these 2 parts, you will need to rebuild the airport on the western side of the village. There are 2 tabs in the airport, both are unlocked from the start. Got to the chest tab and use Shards to open up the 10 chests for the day. Since the chest only gives schemes that are started, and not completed, it will guarantee you 10 more Demonic Pickaxe schemes. That brings you up to 12/16.
  • Now there are 2 ways to go about this. The first way is to wait the 24 hours for the chest to reset and get the last 4 pieces as guaranteed drops (again, do not accept any more schemes during that wait time). During this time, you will want to unlock all the mines down to Jade, as to craft the Demonic Pickaxe, you will need 250 Jade, 1k Ruby, 5k Emerald, and 30k Tanzanite, this can easily be done in the 24 hour period you're waiting. The second method is to buy 2 more schemes with gems, then finish all the quests up with schemes and the old man will give you 2 more in a quest (you MUST double this quest via ad if using this method, or you'll need to purchase the last piece with gems), only do this second method if you have all the materials mined to craft it and have the gems required.
  • Once you have all 16 schemes, go ahead and complete all quests and have fun mining!!!

After building the airport and opening global chat

  • Remember to always claim the green gift icon on the left hand side of the screen. Even if you don't watch the videos as it provides money to buy and upgrade pets
  • After building the airport head to the trainer and use any coins you have to buy and upgrade your pets. ALWAYS pay the most attention to the newest pet.
  • Head to the mine past, past the coal cave is the iron cave. Unlock it and head back to the trainer to purchase and upgrade the iron pets. At this point in the game I have all pets and upgrades too 100k coins for next level.
  • Take about an hour off or feel free to explore the unlocked areas. You can also visit global chat or one of the other rooms as your pets afk the needed materials to unlock the gold mine. Head to the mine and unlock it. Once again use any coins gathered from green gifts to buy and upgrade your new gold pets.
  • Now take another break, roughly 30 mins. once the needed materials are present you can go unlock the tanzanite mine. try to progress further and you will come upon the door to the dragons lair. try to open it and it will show you that you need the goblin key. head back to the surface and buy the new pets from the trainer. Onto the next section the goblin key.

The INFAMOUS Goblin Key

  • To craft the goblin key you will need to gather the scheme pieces by completing quests for the goblin. After discovering the door and exiting the mine the goblin will come up to you and give you the first quest. Which is Craft a level one pickaxe. super simple at this point in the game. Do so and claim the scheme piece. The next quest is too have 1500 stone again at this point you should already have that and it should auto complete. grab the next scheme piece from rewards.
  • The third quest is upgrade your bunnies to 7. if you haven't done so head to the trainer and do it and claim the scheme piece. The final quest is have 1000 coal another one that should auto complete. the last scheme is your!!! now either open the forge menu or head to the actual forge and craft the key!
  • Head down to the dragons lair and unlock the door. head inside and speak with the dragon. at this point there will be a couple quests which will involve talking to the npc's. Basically up and down the mine a couple times. Then its time to build a bridge to the dungeon!!
  • Also at this point the Trial VIP deal will go away. For those of you interested this is your last chance to claim this deal.

Getting to the Dungeon Fortress

  • To access the dungeon, you will need to rebuild the bridge and craft a Dagger (scheme given as part of a quest reward).
  • The bridge will require you to have:
  • Processed Wood and Iron Bars can only be crafted at this point in the game, hence why it's recommended to not sell your wood and iron so you can easily craft them.
  • Once you have the dagger, equip it, then you will be able to enter the dungeon. (This section sometimes glitches, if the dungeon won't let you in after the dagger is equipped, first try rebooting the app. If it still doesn't, try waiting a bit, sometimes the game has a delay in realizing you have it).

First Few Floors of the Dungeon Fortress

  • Return to the village in between quest completions to receive new ones.
  • The first 3 floors are Rats, Slimes, and Goblin. You will need to reach the Goblin to get the leather needed for the Wooden Shield, while there they also have a chance to drop the entire wooden shield and daggers. Aim for a dagger that has at least 18 dmg and a shield with at least 6 def, be it by crafting more, or getting them via drops.
  • The fastest way down there is to take advantage of the revives via ad (if you have VIP, no need to watch the ads, just instant revive). Once per battle you can die and revive via ad with half health mid battle. Die a second time in the same battle and you will respawn at your house with 1hp. You lose absolutely nothing if you die.
  • Once you have those 2 items with decent stats, you can take on the Goblins Leader on the 4th floor, go in with full HP, and use a revive to finish the battle. If you are lucky, you can have him drop a Sword, if not, the fastest way to get one is to just buy the remaining schemes with gems, it shouldn't cost you more than 150 Gems to complete it as you get a part in quest rewards.


  • Ah! Here's our lovely troll, he is located on the 8th floor of the dungeon.
  • The easiest way to defeat him is to have a Sword of the Lost King with a minimum of 145 dmg and good Covered Shield (around 8+ def should do, depending on sword damage). Both of these will drop, in full, from the Ogr on the 7th floor. They are a rarer drop, so rerolling the Ogres will be your fastest approach. (You can also craft it fairly easy, but it is still way more time consuming, as it will require 5 [[Sword|swords) to do so). While there, you can also reroll for the Elven Blade required to open up the crypt, but this can wait as you won't be able to beat the skeletons at all at this point.
  • If you want to use the Elven Blade to defeat the troll, you will need to farm for runes and get at least the Pure Luck runeword, and quite possibly Leeche's Touch as well. This is the most time consuming method.
  • To reroll Ogr you will setup a portal from your house (respawn point) to the troll floor in the dungeon. You will go up to the Ogr floor and engage in battle, take a quick look at the loot table, if it doesn't have what you want, surrender (red x in top right corner). If they finally do have what you want, finish the battle. If your sword and shield aren't enough, you may need to use a potion in between, but on my second account I had a 33 dmg sword and a 7 or 8 def Covered Shield and could just revive if needed to kill them. It took me just about 1 hour to get 2 Swords of the Lost King and an Elven Blade (first Lost King only had 133 dmg so had to reroll for a second one) so plan on it taking a bit, but still faster than crafting.

Earth Elemental and Dungeon King

  • Now this is where the game gets interesting as you will soon be able to access the City Market.
  • If you need a step by step guide on how to complete all the city seal quests, please check the Questline Side Quests.
  • The minimum gear required, if you're not planning on using the market, can be found in the FAQ page.
  • If you are like most, and want to use the city market, you can sell a few items for some trade coins (at this time, best sellers for new accounts are at this time Scroll of Portal and Slime Drop. Please check market for current pricing as this changes almost daily.
  • Your cheapest route to finish the dungeon will be to buy a The Sword of Marriage (preferably with a dmg over 200), and any T3 Shield (or to save time and coin later, a Primal Ward shield (T4), but this may be a bit pricier than a T3 and you can also reroll the Necromancer for a Primal Ward, and not necessary at this point. One shield that pairs well with the Sword of Marriage and is often found for 1 coin is the Elven Queen's Shield.
  • With these 50 coins, I HIGLY recommend you rune your Sword of Marriage if you plan on rerolling the Necromancer as soon as possible. This setup can also defeat any of the 3 Archangels from the Uber Scroll, although without a runed shield, you will struggle in the Mystical Frozen Tower.
  • I know, I know, we all want the shiny red T5 gear, but please wait. If you spend your coins on those immediately, you will have a more difficult time to progress (still doable, just way slower).

Necromancer's Altar

  • With the Sword of Marriage runed, you should just fly through the whole crypt. In case you didn't read the Questline under Main Quests, I highly recommend you portal to the village in between floors as there is a new quest for each floor and some of those will give you smaller runes, which will help with your build later.
  • Necromancer drops all T4 gear and all runes.
  • First Necromancer reroll should be for either a Primal Ward (unless already purchased), or a Rune VIII (to rune your Primal Ward). Then after that aim for a Blade of the Damned and 2x Rune VI (I'm not mentioning the smaller runes in this as they're fairly cheap to buy or you can AFK at champs once Primal is also runed to get them, if you don't already have all the materials to craft them). You can also, in the meantime, cause Necro's respawn timer is quite long, keep selling stuff to make enough coins to buy the Rune VI needed for Blade of the Damned, you will also receive an additional 25 coins after beating the Earth Elemental x5. If you do spot a Rune IX during this process, you can always grab it, sell it, then buy some missing runes as Rune IX is the priciest of the runes in the market.
  • This space reserved for starter tower build.
  • If you don't plan on rerollingthe Lord of Dissection, that is also possible, but be warned that any T5 that has the stats needed to progress will require you to sell a LOT of stuff in market to afford, along with the runes needed (I can't stress this enough, T3 runed is more powerful than T5 not runed). So if you want to skip the whole Damned and Primal build, be warned, it will be more difficult.
  • Once you can reroll the Lord of Dissection, you can now start rerolling the Necromancer for Rune IX, or just for Tower Trial Key if you get fed up rerolling him for those Rune IX as the Lord of Dissection also drops them, as do the Uber Archangels.

  • You can also open a portal from your house to the Insatiable Cracked Stone mine and run down in between if you don't want to use hundreds of scrolls.

Mystical Frozen Tower

  • The famous "tower". Now the main question about this fun place is "What gear is best" and to that, the answer is a few of them, depending on what you have and how much you're willing to spend.
  • The number 1 combo that most prefer for a solid speed run is Nightguard paired with Thousand Soul fully runed, with basic runewords that add stun and crit (if you have VIP for the 5th slot). Nightguard needs to be fast, preferably with a speed of 1.3/1.31, base attack and elemental damage as high as possible (range is 305-315 for dmg, and elemental dmg in the 50's to 60's) and enhanced to +6/+7 and the Thousand Soul with a speed of -.39/.4 and dmg as close to 59 as possible, again enhanced to like +6/+7. This will bring you constantly from floors 99-107, with you dying most often at floors 101-102. Other, lesser of the same gear will still be great, but slower, and won't get you as high up.
  • A second good build for those on a budget is King's Judgment and Thousand Soul. Thousand Souls with the same stats as above, and King's Judgment with a speed of 1.1/1.11 and dmg as close to 240 as possible, enhanced to +6/+7 will get you to floor 107-108 in the tower fairly easy. This build costs less to get, rune requirements aren't as high, but will take more time per run that the Nightguard build. Add stun and crit as basic runewords, with lifesteal if you have VIP.
  • Lastly, the infamous Willbreaker. This one should be reserved for end end game players that literally have nothing else to do as it's not a reliable build and requires near perfect stats to be usable at all and the rarity of those near perfect stats Willbreakers is something of a nightmare to find (Unless extremely lucky). You will need at minimum 180 dmg and 0.8/0.81 speed on it, with the max stats being 195 dmg and 0.8 speed. Enhanced to a minimum of +6. This build has the potential (with absolutely no guarantee) of getting you the furthest up the tower (around floor 115). If you do your entire run with Willbreaker, it can as often fail and you die at floor 80+ than gets you to floor 107-108, hence it's recommend as a 2nd tower build and not your only one. If you do like most do and swap from Nightguard to Willbreaker at floor 99, you will, most of the time, still die before floor 107, it is just pure luck to get any higher. Basic runewords to add would be crit and add stun if you have VIP.
  • Now for the T5 gear that don't do well currently in the tower and why:
  • Silent String, too slow, the enemies in the higher tower floors have insane speed and will 1 shot you dead before you can even take a swing at them.
  • Titan Slayer, same as Silent String, too slow.
  • Souleater, great Lifesteal, but what is the point of Lifesteal if the mobs 1 shot you dead? It also sacrificed too much for that epic lifesteal with no stun and no crit of it's own, which are important in the top floors.
  • Final Stand, no crit or stun added.
  • Ward of Souls, enemy slow relies on the mobs speed and not yours. It does not slow them down enough to compensate.

Uber Portal Scroll/Archangels

  • You will receive the schemes to craft Uber Portal Scrolls as a quest reward from the 5 feather quest.
  • To craft an Uber Archangel scroll will require 50 feathers(tower), 2 demonic essence(necromancers crypt), portal scrolls and 1,000 red shards(goblin silo).
  • The Uber scrolls summon 1 of 3 Archangels (Leech, Rouge, Champion).
  • Each one has the potential to drop Runes III-IX with a Rune II guaranteed every battle.
  • They also each have a part they drop (Hand, Heart, Tooth) that are required to craft a Great Council Scroll, which summons the Lord of Dissection.
  • All 3 are fairly easy, if you can easily reroll Necro, you can take all of them down.
  • You can reroll them, but they are the most complicated boss to reroll, as surrendering will make them disappear. You will need to die and only revive if they have what you want.

Lord of Dissection

  • The famous Lord of Dissection. You will receive the scheme to craft the Great Portal scroll after you get all 3 Archangel parts, complete the quest, and go talk to the dragon king in the mines.
  • He is the only boss that will drop T5 gear pre-mitar (they cannot be crafted). He will also drop runes III-IX at random.
  • Same as the Archangels, you cannot surrender to him or his portal will disappear.

Created by:Niki Updated by: Sunshine