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Tools help you gather resources in the mines or on the surface thru manual mining or using the built in auto-clicker feature. They can be equipped into the player's hand by tapping on the tool's icon and selecting equip. The other option, drop, will allow you to "trash" the item. Although equipping the tool in its item slot, 1 inventory space is still used for carrying the them. If you would like to free this space up, you can deposit it into your chest until further use.


In order to upgrade, you must complete the scheme of a higher tool. These schemes, or tool parts, can be purchased using gems at the forge OR at the airport IF you have at least one part already discovered. Keep in mind, crafting additional tools do not increase the power of your equipped tool and that only one tool can be equipped at a time.

There are two types of tools: the axe and pickaxes. The axe is used to chop wood on the surface level and does not have any further upgrades. Pickaxes, on the other hand, have multiple upgrades. Early pickaxes must be upgraded in ascending order as they use the previous pick as a crafting component. Later pickaxes (until the final 2) do not require its prior upgrade, instead, some extra mining resources are required.


Tools do not carry a durability meter; therefore, once a tool is crafted, you will not need to craft that tool again unless the tool is dropped. In the off chance that you would want to craft additional tools, the forge or remote crafting tab allows you to craft as many tools as you can afford.


This tool can be used to chop the wood.

Item Name Power Scheme Count Gems per Scheme Crafting Requirements
Axe.png Axe 1 0 0 This tool comes equipped from the start.


This tool can be used to obtain the basic materials in the mine.

Item Name Power Scheme Count Gems per Scheme Crafting Requirements
CommonPick.png Common Pick 1 1 0, this scheme is given thru early quest 25 wood, 100 money
StrongPick.png Strong Pick 5 4 15 Common Pick, 7.5k wood, 1k stone
IronPick.png Iron Pick 10 8 25 Strong Pick, 1k coal, 15k wood, 5k stone
RarePick.png Rare Pick 25 8 35 Iron Pick, 1k iron, 15k stone, 5k coal
EpicPick.png Epic Pick 100 8 50 Rare Pick, 1k gold, 15k coal, 5k iron
ThunderPick.png Thunder Pick 250 16 65 250 platinum, 1.5k gold, 15k coal, 6k iron
WinterPick.png Winter Pick 600 16 80 250 tanzanite, 1.5k platinum, 12.5 iron, 5k gold
LavaPick.png Lava Pick 1000 16 100 250 emerald, 1.5 tanzanite, 12.5 gold, 5k platinum
ScatterPick.png Scatter Pickaxe 1500 16 125 1k emerald, 4k tanzanite, 250k gold, 10k platinum
GodsHammer.png God's Hammer 2200 16 150 500 ruby, 2.5k emerald, 50k platinum, 10k tanzanite
DemonicPickaxe.png Demonic Pickaxe 3500 16 200 250 jade, 1k ruby, 30k tanzanite, 5k emerald
DwarvenPickaxe.png Dwarven Pickaxe 4000 1 0, this scheme is obtained from a Mitar quest 2 God's Hammer, 500 Sacred Soul Stone, 20 Magic Dust, 20 Demonic Matter
HighUldredPickaxe.png High Uldred Pickaxe 8000 0 This pick can be crafted at the Mitar Forge 2 Dwarven Pickaxe, 5k Sacred Soul Stone, 2 Rune IX, 100 Mitar Ore