Progression Guide

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This will be a Progression guide on how to get to the current end game. It will outlay some options in how you would like to progress (using market, no market, crafting everything, etc). It will also explain the why something works and doesn't.

Important note: Do not ever sell wood and iron as a beginner, you will need a lot at first. If you plan on also crafting your own gear, you will need gold and platinum.

You will also need some Insatiable Ore and Insatiable Cracked Stone to craft Rune Stone so if possible, do not sell those as well.

New Game

  • The very first thing you will want to do when starting the game is getting the Demonic Pickaxe.
  • After a few quests, you will see a purple heart icon show up to ask you to review the game for 2 Demonic Pickaxe schemes. ***CAUTION*** Be absolutely sure that no one will come and talk to you after you hit the purple icon, as many have had the old man come and talk to them and disrupt the review, leaving them unable to get the 2 parts. One way to do this would be to not press the icon until you return in the Stone Mine, as you won't ever receive a quest from there.
  • Once you have these 2 parts, you will need to rebuild the airport on the western side of the village. There are 2 tabs in the airport, both are unlocked from the start. Got to the chest tab and use Shards to open up the 10 chests for the day. Since the chest only gives schemes that are started, and not completed, it will guarantee you 10 more Demonic Pickaxe schemes. That brings you up to 12/16.
  • Now there are 2 ways to go about this. The first way is to wait the 24 hours for the chest to reset and get the last 4 pieces as guaranteed drops (again, do not accept any more schemes during that wait time). During this time, you will want to unlock all the mines down to Jade, as to craft the Demonic Pickaxe, you will need 250 Jade, 1k Emerald, 5k Ruby, and 30k Tanzanite, this can easily be done in the 24 hour period you're waiting. The second method is to buy 2 more schemes with gems, then finish all the quests up with schemes and the old man will give you 2 more in a quest (you MUST double this quest via ad if using this method, or you'll need to purchase the last piece with gems), only do this second method if you have all the materials mined to craft it and have the gems required.
  • Once you have all 16 schemes, go ahead and complete all quests and have fun mining!!!

Getting to the dungeon

  • To access the dungeon, you will need to rebuild the bridge and craft a Dagger (scheme given as part of a quest reward).
  • The bridge will require you to have:
  • Processed Wood and Iron Bars can only be crafted at this point in the game, hence why it's recommended to not sell your wood and iron so you can easily craft them.
  • Once you have the dagger, equip it, then you will be able to enter the dungeon. (This section sometimes glitches, if the dungeon won't let you in after the dagger is equipped, first try rebooting the app. If it still doesn't, try waiting a bit, sometimes the game has a delay in realizing you have it).

First Few Floors of the Dungeon Fortres

  • Return to the village in between quest completions to receive new ones.
  • The first 3 floors are Rats, Slimes, and Goblins. You will need to reach the Goblins to get the leather needed for the Wooden Shield, while there they also have a chance to drop the entire wooden shield and daggers. Aim for a dagger that has at least 18 dmg and a shield with at least 6 def, be it by crafting more, or getting them via drops.
  • The fastest way down there is to take advantage of the revives via ad (if you have VIP, no need to watch the ads, just instant revive). Once per battle you can die and revive via ad with half health mid battle. Die a second time in the same battle and you will respawn at your house with 1hp. You lose absolutely nothing if you die.
  • Once you have those 2 items with decent stats, you can take on the Goblins Leader on the 4th floor, go in with full HP, and use a revive to finish the battle. If you are lucky, you can have him drop a Sword, if not, the fastest way to get one is to just buy the remaining schemes with gems, it shouldn't cost you more than 150 Gems to complete it as you get a part in quest rewards.


  • Ah! Here's our lovely troll, he is located on the 8th floor of the dungeon.
  • The easiest way to defeat him is to have a Sword of the Lost King with a minimum of 145 dmg and good Covered Shield (around 8+ def should do, depending on sword damage). Both of these will drop, in full, from the Ogr on the 7th floor. They are a rarer drop, so rerolling the Ogres will be your fastest approach. (You can also craft it fairly easy, but it is still way more time consuming, as it will require 5 [[Sword|swords) to do so). While there, you can also reroll for the Elven Blade required to open up the crypt, but this can wait as you won't be able to beat the skeletons at all at this point.
  • If you want to use the Elven Blade to defeat the troll, you will need to farm for runes and get at least the Pure Luck runeword, and quite possibly Leeche's Touch as well. This is the most time consuming method.
  • To reroll Ogr you will setup a portal from your house (respawn point) to the troll floor in the dungeon. You will go up to the Ogr floor and engage in battle, take a quick look at the loot table, if it doesn't have what you want, surrender (red x in top right corner). If they finally do have what you want, finish the battle. If your sword and shield aren't enough, you may need to use a potion in between, but on my second account I had a 33 dmg sword and a 7 or 8 def Covered Shield and could just revive if needed to kill them. It took me just about 1 hour to get 2 Swords of the Lost King and an Elven Blade (first Lost King only had 133 dmg so had to reroll for a second one) so plan on it taking a bit, but still faster than crafting.

Earth Elemental and Dungeon King

  • Now this is where the game gets interesting as you will soon be able to access the City Market.