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This page goes hand in hand with the Weapons page, so you will see repeated content between the two.

Shields are used in combat to defend yourself in the fight against evil. Shield schemes are first introduced as a quest reward after crafting your first dagger--in turn, receiving the a wooden shield scheme . The first shield is a little more difficult to acquire than the dagger because it requires leather--a material found as early as the third floor of the Dungeon. However, once you have overcame this hurdle, further shields can be either found or crafted after complete their respective schemes.

Shields and their schemes are dropped from various monsters found throughout you adventures. After obtaining a new shield, whether same or different tier, they can be equipped alongside of your weapon in the backpack's second tab labeled Gear Items. This tab has unlimited inventory space, in theory, but will become laggy after collecting so much. In order to prevent this from happening too often, gear can be dropped to free space; however, this is not recommended. It is recommended to wait until the LOD quest, in which you will be able to disassemble. Additionally, when new gear enters your inventory, it will be auto-sorted by the date it was received and denoted by an exclamation mark (!) until viewed by either a long tap (hold item icon for brief preview until finger is lifted) or short tap (opens preview but needs secondary tap to close).

Shields can be placed in the fifth slot in the player GUI section of the Currencies & Minerals tab or equipped in the same manner as tools: tap the icon and select equip. Once equipped, you will be unable to unequip it. Instead, you will have to collect another shield and swap it for the existing one.

Shield Stats

Name Description
Health Health is additional points added to the total HP.
Damage Damage dictates the amount of HP removed from the opponent
Defense Defense negates incoming damage from the opponent.
Attack Speed Attack speed influences attack frequency or the rate of which combat actions are preformed.


As stated before, shields can either be found or forged. Typically, it is more cost-efficient to force monsters to drop better shields. Regardless, under both circumstances, each shield possess a set parameter in which its stats can be randomly generated. This info can be viewed by tapping any non-equitable icon like those from completed schemes, runewords, or goblin market (displays gear schemes for gems). This covers basic upgrades, however, there is another end-game method for upgrading--Enchanting. Enchanted gear has a box with with its level denoted in the top, right corner of the item's icon.


Shields do not have a durability meter and can be used for the span of the game until dropped, disassembled, or sold.


Borders provide visual indications for an item's class level or rarity. Currently, there are five different tiers in which shields can be sorted and assigned.

Tier 1 : Grey

Item Name Health Min. DMG Max DMG Defence Attack Speed (min./ max) Description
WoodenShield.png Wooden Shield 0 0 0 3 - 7 0 s 0 s ~
IronShield.png Iron Shield 0 0 0 12 - 16 0.3 s 0.25 s ~
CoveredShield.png Covered Shield 0 0 0 6 - 10 0 s 0 s ~
ElvenShield.png Elven Shield 0 0 0 6 - 10 -0.05 s -0.1 s ~
BoneShield.png Bone Shield 0 0 0 9 - 15 0.2 s 0.15 s ~
IceFloe.png Ice Floe 0 0 0 8 - 14 0 s 0 s ~
DragonCrust.png Dragon Crust 0 0 0 10 - 18 0.1 s 0.1 s ~

Tier 2 : Green

Item Name Health Min. DMG Max DMG Defence Attack Speed (min./ max) Description
TemplarShield.png Templar Shield 0 0 0 12 - 18 0.2 s 0.05 s ~
ElvenProtector.png Elven Protector 0 0 0 6 - 14 -0.1 s -0.2 s ~
UndeadWall.png Undead Wall 0 0 0 14 - 22 0.6 s 0.15 s ~
HoarfrostShield.png Hoarfrost Shield 0 0 0 11 - 19 -0.05 s -0.15 s ~
AncientScale.png Ancient Scale 20 - 120 0 0 11 - 21 0 s 0 s ~

Tier 3 : Yellow

Item Name Health Min. DMG Max DMG Defence Attack Speed (min./ max) Description
ElvenQueenShield.png Elven Queen's Shield 230 - 270 0 0 15 - 25 -0.2 s -0.4 s ~
NightmareShield.png Nightmare Shield 0 - 100 0 0 25 - 35 0.3 s 0.15 s ~
WhiteShell.png White Shell 255 - 350 0 0 20 - 30 -0.05 s -0.15 s ~
DragonShield.png Dragon's Shield 90 - 250 0 0 24 - 32 -0.15 s -0.25 s ~

Tier 4 : Orange

All T4 gear possess auras--a gear-exclusive, cosmetic effect and glow around the player. Of the four auras total, only one aura can be equipped at one time and usually favors the weapon over the shield. If a T4 weapon is not equipped but T4 shield is, the aura of the shield will be used.

Item Name Health Min. DMG Max DMG Defence Attack Speed (min./ max) Description
RoyalBlessing.png Royal Blessing 355 - 450 0 10 20 - 40 -0.2 s -0.4 s ~
WardOfSouls.png Ward of Souls 200 - 450 0 20 30 - 50 -0.3 s -0.5 s ~
GlacierWall.png Glacier Wall 550 - 650 0 15 25 - 45 -0.1 s -0.3 s ~
PrimalWard.png Primal Ward 300 - 400 0 25 35 - 55 -0.3 s -0.5 s ~

Tier 5 : Red(Relic)

With T5 gear, this is the first instance where you see elemental stats used--weapons for damage; shields for resist. The first three shields carry with them a dedicated pair of elemental resistance types. This means, for example, a Barrier of None will only have water/earth resist attached to it, nothing else. The three final Shields (drօpped in mitar) have either a single elemental damage or an elemental resistance.

Image Name Health Min. DMG Max DMG Defence Attack Speed (min./ max) Elemental resist/damage
BarrierOfNone.png Barrier of None 450 - 720 30 50 50 - 63 -0.25 s -0.5 s Water/Earth
ThousandSouls.png Thousand Soul 500 - 675 30 59 55 - 72 -0.3 s -0.4 s Wind Resist 10 - 50

Lightning Resist 10 - 50

FinalStand.png Final Stand 550 - 765 35 41 58 - 59 -0.35 s -0.45 s Fire Resist 10 - 50

Wind Resist 10 - 50

UldredsPeace.png Uldred's Peace 525 - 840 30 50 50 - 70 -0.3 s -0.45 s Earth Damage 30 - 70
UnderworldsGuardian.png Underworld's Guardian 475 - 745 30 70 45 - 86 -0.25 s -0.4 s Fire Resist 50 - 100
FaceOfMitar.png Face of Mitar 425 - 795 30 60 40 - 75 -0.2 s -0.5 s Earth Resist 50 - 100
MedusasVision.jpg Medusa's Vision 250 - 1200 0 0 30 - 100 +0.20 s -0.40 s ~
GloryShield.png Glory Shield 650 - 1000 30 80 50 - 120 0.0 s -0.4 s Wind Resist 75 - 150

Lightning Resist 75 - 150